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2022-2023, Governu Sunu Ai-moruk Expired Item 275 Ne’ebé Sosa ho Kustu $124,389,319.00


on, (11 Juñu 2024), Díli—Iha tinan 2022 mai to’o 2023, Serviço Autónomo de Medicamentos e Equipamentos de Saúde (SAMES) ka atuál Institutu Nasionál Farmasia no Produtu Médiku (INFPM) rejistu 275 item ai-moruk mak sunu tiha de’it tanba produtu medikamentu  ne’ebé kompras ho orsamentu Estadu ho montante $124,389,319.00 expired ka liu ona prazu. 

Lee Mós: Eis Ministra Saúde Odete Belo: Kompañia 22 Fornese Produtu Medikamentu iha 2022 Rezolvidu

Estoke produtu medikamentu ka ai-moruk iha Armazén INFPM, Kampu Alor, Díli, Segunda (10/06/2024). Foto/Leopoldina de Carvalho

Dokumentu ne’ebé asesu husi fontes importante sira iha Ministériu Saúde  hatudu katak iha fulan-Janeiru 2022 lista ai-moruk item 24 ne’ebé sosa ho kustu $71,692.9500 destroi ka sunu de’it taba expire iha fulan-refere no tinan 2022.

Fulan-Fevereiru 2022, produtu medikamentu ka ai-moruk item neen (6) mak expired ka liu ona prazu no deside sunu. Ai-moruk hirak ne’e kompras ho kustu $6,450.90000.


Fulan-Marsu 2022, ai-moruk item 21 ne’ebé kompras ho kustu $373,505.99.00 sunu ka destroi tiha tanba liu ona prazu ka expired.

Fulan-Abríl 2022, ai-moruk item 30 kompras ho kustu $83,627.21000 destroi ka sunu tanba liu prazu ka expired.

Fulan-Maiu 2022, ai-moruk item 12 sosa ho kustu $9,452.45000 sunu mós tanba tempu liu ona prazu ka expired.

Tuir mai iha fulan-Juñu 2022, SAMES atuál INFPM destroi ka sunu ai-moruk item 13 ne’ebé sosa ho kustu $13,436.89000 tanba liu ona prazu ka expired.  Iha fulan no tinan hanesan Ministériu Saúde  deside halo destruisaun bá ai-moruk item ida (1) ho kuantidade 140800 ne’ebé sosa ho kustu $2,816.00000 tanba liu ona prazu ka expired.

Fulan-Jullu 2022, ai-moruk item 18 ne’ebé kompras ho kustu $163,308.44000 deside sunu ka destroi tanba prazu liu ona ka expired.


Iha fulan-Agostu 2022, ai-moruk item 20 ne’ebé kompras ho kustu $33,469.30000 tenke destroi ka sunu tanba liu ona prazu ka expired.

Fulan-Setembru 2022, ai-moruk ka produtu medikamentu item 18 hetan sunu ka destroi tanba liu ona prazu ka expired. Ai-moruk hirak ne’e kompras ho kustu $33,101.24000.

Estoke produtu medikamentu ka ai-moruk iha Armazén INFPM, Kampu Alor, Díli, Segunda (10/06/2024). Foto/Leopoldina de Carvalho

Iha fulan-Outubru 2022, tuir lista ne’ebé asesu hatudu katak ai-moruk item 30 ne’ebé sosa ho kustu $80,370.98000 destroi ka sunu tanba prazu liu ona ka expired.

Novembru 2022, produtu medikamentu ka ai-moruk item 13 mak destroi no sunu tanba liu ona prazu ka expired. Ai-moruk ne’e kompras ho kustu $33,226.50000.

Iha fali fulan-Fevereiru 2023,   Institutu Nasionál Farmasia no Produtu Médiku (INFPM)  ka antigu SAMES sunu ka destroi ai-moruk item ualu (8) ne’ebé sosa ho kustu $8,480,05000 tanba liu ona prazu ka expired.

Fulan-Marsu 2023, sunu mós ai-moruk ka produtu medikamentu item 11 ne’ebé sosa ho valor orsamentu Estadu $21,540.55000.


Iha fulan tuir mai, Abríl 2023, sunu mós ai-moruk ka produtu medikamentu item 19 ne’ebé sosa ho valor $382,283.90000 tanba liu ona prazu ka expired.

Iha fali fulan-Maiu 2023, Ministériu Saúde liuhusi INFPM sunu tan produtu medikamentu ka ai-moruk item 13 ne’ebé kompras ho kustu $3,400.66000 tanba ho kondisaun liu ona prazu ka expired.

Estoke produtu medikamentu ka ai-moruk iha Armazén INFPM, Kampu Alor, Díli, Segunda (10/06/2024). Foto/Leopoldina de Carvalho

Tinan 2022 no 2023, Ministériu Saúde halo akizasaun ba ai-moruk ho objetivu hodi garante atendimentu iha ospitál nasionál, ospitál referral, sentru saude no postu saúde sira iha territóriu  Timor-Leste.

“Ministeriu Saúde iha momentu ne’ebá, sosa de’it ai-moruk ka produtu medikamentu  husi distributor ka empreza fornesedór sira hodi  la tau importansia ba ai-moruk nia data prazu ka expired date. Ai-moruk sira ne’e  kuaze nia prazu hela deit fulan-neen (8) ka fulan-ualu (8) atu expired ona no to’o nia tempu SAMES atuál INFPM tenke destroi ka sunu hotu ai-moruk sira ne’e. hodi nune’e, ospitál nasionál, ospitál referral,  sentru saúde to’o postu saúde sira  iha Timor laran tomak infrenta estoke out ai-moruk,” fontes iha Ministériu Saúde ne’e informa bá hodi husu atu la bele publika nia identidade.

Lista Prodotu Medikamentu ka Ai-moruk Ne’ebé SAMES/INFPM Distroi ka Sunu iha 2022-2023

TINAN 2023 Armazen Central Dili
  Margin: -199.25% Inventory adjust- decrease: 12035
Received from: Confirmed Date: 6/15/2023
Inventory adjustment – Reduce stock Printed date: 7/13/2023
  Page 1 of 1
  Status: cn
Location Item Quan Pack Batch Expiry Cost Sell Exten
02-1-1 Bag Biohazard Specimen Plastic Cliplock with Sleeve 15 x 25cm 120 1 20200525 5/31/2023 0,1 0,1 -12
03-6-2 Heparin Sodium Injection 5000 IU/ml Amp/5ml 1835 1 FE/0433 5/31/2023 0 0 0
04-1-3 Mannitol Solution IV 20% Bot/500ml 10 1 20263371 5/31/2023 2,12 2,12 -21,2
03-5-3 Mannitol Solution IV 20% Bot/500ml 690 1 20263371 5/31/2023 2,12 2,12 -1462,8
03-1-4 Mannitol Solution IV 20% Bot/500ml 20 1 20263371 5/31/2023 2,12 2,12 -42,4
07-8-1 Propranolol HCL Double Scored 40mg tabs 26500 1 CK155 5/31/2023 0,01 0,01 -265
07-2-1 Propranolol HCL Double Scored 40mg tabs 30000 1 CK154 5/31/2023 0,01 0,01 -300
07-1-1 Propranolol HCL Double Scored 40mg tabs 44900 1 CK154 5/31/2023 0,01 0,01 -449
RM1A-3-2-5 Sodium Hydroxide Pellets 500gm 1 1 0000389398 5/31/2023 8,17 0,17 -8,17
RM1A-3-1-2 Sodium Hydroxide Pellets 500gm 1 1 0000389398 5/31/2023 8,17 8,17 -8,17
BEB1 Triple Packaging Biological CAT B 522 1 20200525 5/31/2023 0 0 0
RM1A-4-2-2 ECG Conductive Gel Tube/40gm 38 1 ECG20050120 5/31/2023 0,84 0,84 -31,92
01-9-1 Oxygen mask w/chamber nebulizer solution Pediatric 100 1 20180521 5/31/2023 0 0 0
                Net cost: -3,400.66000
Tax %: 0.00000
Invoice Total :-3,400.66000
  Margin: -200% Inventory adjust- decrease: 11968
Received from: Confirmed Date: 4/27/2023
Inventory adjustment – Reduce stock Printed date: 7/13/2023
  Page 1 of 1
  Status: cn
Our ref: SAMES-DAD/ITEM EXPIRA/IV/2023/04 Comment: Retira Item Expira Fulan Abril-2023
Location Item Quan Pack Batch Expiry Cost Sell Exten
RI Affirmagem 3 % 2×3 ml 4 1 719210 4/18/2023 63,25 63,25 -253
RM3 1-3-5 Amikacin Sulphate 500gm/2ml 154 10 A415AI 4/30/2023 0,51 0,51 -78,54
RI Biovue IgG 400 4 400 707400 4/8/2023 1265 1265 -5060
10-2-2 Bone Wax 2.5gm 744 1 BW8002 4/30/2023 0,61 0,6079 -453,84
RI Cartridge Xpert Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) 50 1 1000360014 4/9/2023 8,5 8,5 -425
C2-GRD-A Face Mask N95 46210 1 20210911 00/00/00 0 0 0
C2-GRD-B Face Mask N95 16190 1 KM20200424A UARB 4/30/2023 1,05 1,05 -16999,5
OLD-WC Face Mask N95 131490 1 KN20200424A 4/30/2023 0 0 0
RM1A-4-1-2 GC Fuji IX GP 50 capsules 0.40g powder and 0.11g liquid 500 1 2104090A 4/30/2023 2,958 2,958 -1479
RM7 – Chiller Human Insulin, Isophane intermediate acting 100 IU/ml Vial/10ml 818 1 DV10638 4/30/2023 7,2 7,2 -5889,6
RI2 Kit XPRESS SARS-COV-2  1098 10 1000394876 4/30/2023 149 149 -163602
09-10-4 Needle Disposable 21G x 1 1/2″ (0.8 x 38mm) 3900 1 18E17B 4/30/2023 12,25 12,25 -47775
RI Resolve Panel A 11x3ml 11 1 719502 4/11/2023 442,75 442,75 -4870,25
C2-GRD-A Safety Glasses Goggles 282 1 200427 4/30/2023 5,5 5,5 -1551
RM8C Sinovac Covid-19 Vaccine (Vero Cell) Inactivated 5608 1 B202104033 4/4/2023 14,07 14,07 -78904,56
RI Surgiscreen  0,8% 3x10ml 11 1 719102 4/11/2023 75,9 75,9 -834,9
RI Ultrasound Examination Gel Medical Viscosity Bot/500ml 1 40 KT06AP4 4/30/2023 75,71 75,71 -75,71
RM2B Vaccine Yellow Fever Single dose 148 1 U3F401V 4/30/2023 55 55 -8140
RI2 Kit XPRESS SARS-COV-2  308 10 100390298 9/4/2023 149 149 -45892
                Net cost: -382,283.90000
Tax %: 0.00000
Invoice Total :-382,283.90000
  Margin: -199.98% Inventory adjust- decrease: 11924
Received from: Confirmed Date: 4/4/2023
Inventory adjustment – Reduce stock Printed date: 7/13/2023
  Page 1 of 1
  Status: cn
Our ref: SAMES-DAD/ ITEM EXPIRA/III/2023/03 Comment: Retira Item Expira Fulan Marco-2023
Location Item Quan Pack Batch Expiry Cost Sell Exten
11-2-1 Antibacterial Tablet 2130 1 596624 3/30/2023 1,75 1,75 -3727,5
BEB1 Face Shield 2000 1 ADT202003C 3/31/2023 0 0 0
03-2-1 Heparin Sodium Injection 5000 IU/ml Amp/5ml 1200 1 200661L 3/31/2023 3,01 3,006 -3612
08-6-4 HIV Tenofovir+Lamivudine+Efavirenz 300/300/600mg tabs 1821 30 E210864C 3/31/2023 4,99 4,99 -9086,79
10-8-4 Needle Spinal Anaesthesia 25G (with introducer) 0.5 x 88mm 50 1 A-0418 3/31/2023 0,28 0,28 -14
08-7-1 Omeprazole 20mg tabs 5810 1 52L0128 3/31/2023 0,02 0,02 -116,2
RM1A-4-1-3 Root Canal Sealer (AH 26, Silver-Free) 8gm, Resin 10gm 20 1 0921423 3/31/2023 18,5 18,5 -370
RM3 1-2-5 TB Cycloserine 250mg caps 6000 1 CSP1904201 3/31/2023 0,29 0,29 -1740
08-2-1 TB Rifampicin+Isoniazid+Pyrazinamide (RHZ) 75/50/150mg tabs 303 84 NRU2107A 3/31/2023 4,74 4,74 -1436,22
09-8-3 Mindray BC-30 Probe Cleanser Btl/50ml 3 1 2022030901 3/8/2023 69,2 69,2 -207,6
12-1-1 Resuscitator Hand Operated Infant/Child 48 1 2018-03 3/31/2023 25,63 25,63 -1230,24
                Net cost: -21,540.55000
Tax %: 0.00000
Invoice Total :-21,540.55000
  Margin: -201.04% Inventory adjust- decrease: 11846
Received from: Confirmed Date: 3/9/2023
Inventory adjustment – Reduce stock Printed date: 7/13/2023
  Page 1 of 1
  Status: cn
Location Item Quan Pack Batch Expiry Cost Sell Exten
04-4-3 Bupivacaine HCL 0.5% + Glucose 7.5% Injection 5mg/ml Amp/4ml 15200 1 EM-21056 2/28/2023 0,17 0,173 -2584
RM3 1-2-1 HIV Lopinavir+Ritonavir 100/25mg tabs 108 60 8120339 2/28/2023 6,5 6,5 -702
03-2-3 Potassium Chloride Injection 11.2% Amp/20ml 6720 1 EM-21071 2/28/2023 0,38 0,384 -2553,6
03-11-4 Potassium Chloride Injection 11.2% Amp/20ml 3840 1 EM-21070 2/28/2023 0,38 0,384 -1459,2
RM3 1-1-1 TB Moxifloxacin 400mg tab 20 100 BTI803039A 2/28/2023 0 0 0
RM3 1-2-5 TB Rifapentine 150mg 57 24 0J2611 2/28/2023 15,45 15,45 -880,65
RM1A-2-3-3 Verapamil 80mg tabs 4200 1 C80547B 2/28/2023 0,07 0,07 -294
RM1A-2-3-2 Vitamin A Retinol Palmitate 50,000 I.U. caps 110 1 PMG0023 2/28/2023 0,06 0,06 -6,6
                Net cost: -8,480.05000
Tax %: 0.00000
Invoice Total :-8,480.05000
TINAN 2022
  Margin: -200% Inventory adjust- decrease: 11753
Received from: Confirmed Date: 1/9/2023
Inventory adjustment – Reduce stock Printed date: 7/13/2023
  Page 1 of 1
  Status: cn
Location Item Quan Pack Batch Expiry Cost Sell Exten
06-10-1 Dextran 40 6% Bot/500ml 200 1 1210299 12/31/2022 13 13 -2600
RM7 – Chiller Immunoglobulin Human Normal Injection 10%  216 1 97130064 12/31/2022 250 250 -54000
RM1A-2-3-2 Sodium Nitroprusside Injection 50mg 300 1 LNTPA2103 12/31/2022 3 3 -900
RM1A-4-1-5 Calcium Hydroxide Cement (Hydcal), Kit 16 1 3132001 12/31/2022 27,89 27,89 -446,24
RM3 1-3-1 HIV Zidovudine Syrup 50mg/5ml Bot/100ml 51 1 E210204 12/31/2022 2,15 2,15 -109,65
06-7-1 Dextran 40 6% Bot/500ml 1480 1 12310299 12/31/2022 13 13 -19240
CON17 Isolation Gowns M 2200 1 20201227812 UK S 12/31/2022 5,95 5,95 -13090
BEB1 Micronutrient powder for children 6-59 month 42 30 UF19172010 12/31/2022 0,59 0,59 -24,78
BEB1 Micronutrient powder for children 6-59 month 35 30 X0920024 12/31/2022 0,59 0,59 -20,65
14-3-1 Micronutrient powder for children 6-59 month 240 30 4F19172010 12/31/2022 0,59 0,59 -141,6
                Net cost: -90,572.92000
Tax %: 0.00000
Invoice Total :-90,572.92000
  Margin: -199.98% Inventory adjust- decrease: 11716
Received from: Confirmed Date: 12/6/2022
Inventory adjustment – Reduce stock Printed date: 7/13/2023
  Page 1 of 1
  Status: cn
Location Item Quan Pack Batch Expiry Cost Sell Exten
RM4-2-2-3 Adrenaline HCL (Epinephrine) Injection 1mg/ml Amp/1ml 1930 1 N-15020 11/30/2022 0,09 0,0884 -173,7
03-2-2 Bupivacaine HCL 0.5% + Glucose 7.5% Injection 5mg/ml Amp/4ml 700 1 N-15051 11/30/2022 0,31 0,3072 -217
04-5-3 Chloramphenicol Sodium Succinate Injection Vial/1gm 2750 1 Z20DP128 11/30/2022 1,75 1,75 -4812,5
RM1B Erythropoietin Alpha Injection 4000IU Amp/1ml 8 1 11020036 11/30/2022 10 10 -80
11-2-5 Fentanyl Citrate Injection 50mcg/ml Amp/2ml 17 50 13BC1119 11/30/2022 82,64 82,64 -1404,88
11-2-5 Fentanyl Citrate Injection 50mcg/ml Amp/2ml 495 1 13BC1119 11/30/2022 1,576 1,576 -780,12
RM1B Human Insulin, Neutral Soluble short acting 100 IU/ml Vial/10ml 50 1 KS6BL72 11/30/2022 7 7 -350
RM1B Human Insulin, Neutral Soluble short acting 100 IU/ml Vial/10ml 309 1 KS6CN30 11/30/2022 7,2 7,2 -2224,8
RM1B Human Insulin (Biosulin) Mixtrad 30/71 100 IU/ml 200 1 KS6BD58 11/30/2022 2,35 2,35 -470
RM1B Human Insulin (Biosulin) Mixtrad 30/71 100 IU/ml 2750 1 KS6CM48 11/30/2022 2,35 2,35 -6462,5
RM8C Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine 0.5mg/ml 195x2ml 29 1 FY4527 11/30/2022 456 456 -13224
RM4-2-1-4 Ranitidine Injection 25mg/ml Amp/2ml 7400 1 9620M0324A 11/30/2022 0,4 0,4 -2960
10-8-5 Needle Hypodermic 22G 6700 1 20171020 11/30/2022 0,01 0,01 -67
                Net cost: -33,226.50000
Tax %: 0.00000
Invoice Total :-33,226.50000
  Margin: -195.18% Inventory adjust- decrease: 11588
Received from: Confirmed Date: 11/16/2022
Inventory adjustment – Reduce stock Printed date: 7/13/2023
  Page 1 of 1
  Status: cn
Location Item Quan Pack Batch Expiry Cost Sell Exten
03-8-2 Calcium Gluconate Injection 100mg/ml Amp/10ml 5030 1 N-14907 10/31/2022 0,26 0,26 -1307,8
04-8-1 Dopamine HCL Injection 40mg/ml Amp/5ml 1800 1 N-14902 10/31/2022 0,57 0,57 -1026
RM1A-4-1-4 Fuji IX GC Glass Iononmer Cement 25gm Powder, 15gm Liquid 401 1 1910031 10/31/2022 32,88 32,88 -13184,88
RM1A-1-2-2 Lidocaine Plain (without Adrenaline) 2% Injection 20mg/5ml Amp/5ml 50 1 N-14893 10/31/2022 0,14 0,14 -7
RM4-2-1-2 Methotrexate Injection 50mg Vial/2ml 140 1 OI0170 10/31/2022 1,18 1,1753 -165,2
10-7-5 Needle Spinal Anaesthesia 19F 6000 1 20171028 10/31/2022 0,27 0,27 -1620
10-7-5 Needle Spinal Anaesthesia 19F 1400 1 20171028/ Needle Hipodermic 19G 10/31/2022 0,27 0,27 -378
RM4-1-2-3 Penicillin Benzyl Penicillin PFI 5 MU=3G 3200 1 588191002 10/31/2022 0,48 0,48 -1536
04-6-3 Potassium Chloride Injection 11.2% Amp/20ml 3400 1 N-14976 10/31/2022 0,24 0,2372 -816
04-6-4 Potassium Chloride Injection 11.2% Amp/20ml 4400 1 N-14976 10/31/2022 0,24 0,2372 -1056
04-7-3 Potassium Chloride Injection 11.2% Amp/20ml 6200 1 N-14980 10/31/2022 0,24 0,2372 -1488
04-7-4 Potassium Chloride Injection 11.2% Amp/20ml 5000 1 N-14979 10/31/2022 0,24 0,2372 -1200
04-8-2 Potassium Chloride Injection 11.2% Amp/20ml 4200 1 N-14978 10/31/2022 0,24 0,2372 -1008
RM4-2-1-2 Potassium Chloride Injection 11.2% Amp/20ml 20 1 N-14977 10/31/2022 0,24 0,2372 -4,8
RM6 Potassium Chloride Injection 11.2% Amp/20ml 100 1 N-14976 10/31/2022 0,24 0,2372 -24
RM6 Potassium Chloride Injection 11.2% Amp/20ml 1200 1 N-14980 10/31/2022 0 0 0
RM6 Potassium Chloride Injection 11.2% Amp/20ml 5800 1 N-14981 10/31/2022 0,24 0,2372 -1392
04-2-1 Quinine HCL Injection 300mg/ml Amp/2ml 2500 1 N-14901 10/31/2022 0,32 0,3165 -800
RM7 – Chiller Streptokinase Injection 1.5.MU Amp/1ml 360 1 DN20015 10/31/2022 58 58 -20880
01-10-1 Tongue Depressor Stainless Steel 160mm 1800 1 20171001 10/31/2022 2,1 0 -3780
05-1-1 Valproic Acid Suspension (Sodium Valproate) 200mg/5ml Bottle 810 1 5101481 10/31/2022 2,38 2,38 -1927,8
05-3-3 Valproic Acid Suspension (Sodium Valproate) 200mg/5ml Bottle 1440 1 5101482 10/31/2022 2,38 2,38 -3427,2
05-4-3 Valproic Acid Suspension (Sodium Valproate) 200mg/5ml Bottle 1440 1 5101481 10/31/2022 2,38 2,38 -3427,2
05-8-2 Valproic Acid Suspension (Sodium Valproate) 200mg/5ml Bottle 288 1 5101482 10/31/2022 2,38 2,38 -685,44
06-2-2 Valproic Acid Suspension (Sodium Valproate) 200mg/5ml Bottle 1440 1 5101482 10/31/2022 2,38 2,38 -3427,2
06-3-2 Valproic Acid Suspension (Sodium Valproate) 200mg/5ml Bottle 1440 1 5101482 10/31/2022 2,38 2,38 -3427,2
06-4-1 Valproic Acid Suspension (Sodium Valproate) 200mg/5ml Bottle 1427 1 5101482 10/31/2022 2,38 2,38 -3396,26
04-2-1 Vancomycin HCL Injection Vial 500mg 2200 1 N-14896 10/31/2022 1,43 1,43 -3146
RM1A-1-2-1 Vitamin K1 (Phytomenadione) 10mg tabs 400 1 TPMDA2004 10/31/2022 3,52 3,52 -1408
CON19 GAMBRO Citric Acid 25 kg Powder  59 1 D141019 10/14/2022 75 75 -4425
                Net cost: -80,370.98000
Tax %: 0.00000
Invoice Total :-80,370.98000
  Margin: -200% Inventory adjust- decrease: 11526
Received from: Confirmed Date: 10/13/2022
Inventory adjustment – Reduce stock Printed date: 7/13/2023
  Page 1 of 1
  Status: cn
Location Item Quan Pack Batch Expiry Cost Sell Exten
BEB1 Benzyl Benzoate Lotion 25% Bot/1000ml 16 1 F/295/20 9/30/2022 3,01 3,01 -48,16
03-9-3 Benzyl Benzoate Lotion 25% Bot/1000ml 384 1 F/295/20 9/30/2022 3,01 3,01 -1155,84
04-9-3 Benzyl Benzoate Lotion 25% Bot/1000ml 204 1 F/295/20 9/30/2022 3,01 3,01 -614,04
04-9-3 Benzyl Benzoate Lotion 25% Bot/1000ml 240 1 F/295/20 9/30/2022 3,01 3,01 -722,4
03-2-2 Caffeine Citrate Injection 20mg/ml Vial/3mL 1000 1 OEAO3265 9/30/2022 6,09 6,09 -6090
03-6-1 Calcium Chloride Injection 100mg/ml Amp/1ml 250 1 182316 9/30/2022 1,25 1,25 -312,5
13-1-1 Chlorhexidine Cream 0.1% Tube 45 1 C/009/20 9/30/2022 1,88 1,88 -84,6
13-2-1 Chlorhexidine Cream 0.1% Tube 800 1 C/008/20 9/30/2022 1,88 1,88 -1504
13-3-1 Chlorhexidine Cream 0.1% Tube 1600 1 C/007/20 9/30/2022 1,88 1,88 -3008
RM1B Glucagon 1mg/ml  279 1 KS6CNS2 9/30/2022 0 0 0
RM1A-4-1-3 Pulp Devitalizing Paste (Devitec) 6gm 2 1 1881914 9/30/2022 33,7 33,7 -67,4
RM4-2-1-5 Sodium Bicarbonate with Glycerine Ear Drops 10% Bottle 175 1 SBP09 9/30/2022 2,5 2,5 -437,5
04-2-2 Thiopental Sodium Injection 1g Vial/10ml 1630 1 47370 9/30/2022 3,56 3,56 -5802,8
RM1A-1-1-2 Thiopental Sodium Injection 1g Vial/10ml 150 1 47370 9/30/2022 3,56 3,56 -534
BEB1 Water for Injection Amp 10ml 8865 1 181002 9/30/2022 0,05 0,05 -443,25
BEB1 Water for Injection Amp 10ml 63135 1 181002 9/30/2022 0,05 0,05 -3156,75
BEB1 Water for Injection Amp 5ml 227000 1 181001 9/30/2022 0,04 0,04 -9080
13-2-1 Water for Injection Amp 5ml 1000 1 181001 9/30/2022 0,04 0,04 -40
                Net cost: -33,101.24000
Tax %: 0.00000
Invoice Total :-33,101.24000
  Margin: -199.94% Inventory adjust- decrease: 11468
Received from: Confirmed Date: 9/2/2022
Inventory adjustment – Reduce stock Printed date: 7/13/2023
  Page 1 of 1
  Status: cn
Location Item Quan Pack Batch Expiry Cost Sell Exten
CON13 Bandage Plaster of Paris 15cm wide x 2.75m 6120 1 170925 8/31/2022 0,39 0,393 -2386,8
03-3-1 Benzoyl Peroxide Lotion 2.5%  190 1 0EX01022 8/31/2022 3,39 3,39 -644,1
04-6-1 Benzyl Benzoate Lotion 25% Bot/1000ml 204 1 F/234/20 8/31/2022 3,01 3,01 -614,04
04-2-2 Caffeine Citrate Injection 20mg/ml Vial/3mL 1250 1 OEA02283 8/31/2022 0 0 0
05-10-2 Caffeine Citrate Oral Liquid 20mg/ml Bot/3ml 4000 1 OEA01229 8/31/2022 5,92 5,92 -23680
01-11-1 Catheter Nelaton Sterile 16FG 230 1 1713911K 8/30/2022 0,1 0 -23
10-6-1 Catheter Nelaton Sterile 16FG 302 1 1713911K 8/31/2022 0,1 0,1 -30,2
13-2-1 Catheter Nelaton Sterile 16FG 28 1 1713911K 8/31/2022 0,1 0,1 -2,8
10-3-2 Catheter Suction Control Plastic  5FG 900 1 17139051C 8/31/2022 0,5 0,5 -450
RI Digoxin Oral Solution 50mcg/ml Bot/60ml 195 1 DP-2104 8/31/2022 2,5 2,5 -487,5
RM1B Human Insulin, Isophane intermediate acting 100 IU/ml Vial/10ml 60 1 KS6BD63 8/31/2022 7,2 7,2 -432
RM4-2-2-5 Hyoscine Butylbromide Injection 20mg/1ml Amp/1ml 630 1 PK001 8/31/2022 0,23 0,23 -144,9
RM4-1-2-2 Penicillin Procaine Benzyl PFI 1 MU=1g 85 1 320-695 8/31/2022 1 1 -85
GRD12-1 Povidone-iodine Solution Surgical Scrub 7.5% Bot/1ltr 9 1 F/253/20 8/31/2022 6,36 6,36 -57,24
RM3 1-1-3 Primaquine Phosphate uncode 7,5 mg tabs 388 1 89180 8/31/2022 3,49 3,49 -1354,12
04-2-3 Salbutamol Solution for Nebulizer 5mg/ml Bot/15-20ml 3590 1 OEX13019 8/31/2022 0,34 0,336 -1220,6
RM1B Suxamethonium Chloride Injection 50mg/ml Amp/2ml 80 1 0135029 8/31/2022 0 0 0
RM3 2-1-3 TB PAS (Para-Aminosalicyclic Acid) 5.56g/sachet 51 25 680819 8/31/2022 33 33 -1683
03-4-2 Timolol Maleate Eye Drops 0.5% Bot/5ml 450 1 TB-2002 8/31/2022 0,36 0,36 -162
10-1-2 Suture Synth Abs Braided Violet 2/0 (M3) 75 cm P 3/8 Cir 16mm rev cut 24 1 1905080 7/31/2022 0,5 0,5 -12
                Net cost: -33,469.30000
Tax %: 0.00000
Invoice Total :-33,469.30000
  Margin: -198.64% Inventory adjust- decrease: 11467
Received from: Confirmed Date: 9/2/2022
Inventory adjustment – Reduce stock Printed date: 7/13/2023
  Page 1 of 1
  Status: cn
Location Item Quan Pack Batch Expiry Cost Sell Exten
10-6-2 Airway Guedels Autoclavable Size 2.5 12 1 082019 7/31/2022 2,28 2,28 -27,36
Var-ACD Ambu bag (Resus bag) with mask/valve Paediatric 658 1 999 7/30/2022 7,95 7,95 -5231,1
01-8-1 Catheter Suction Control Plastic  5FG 200 1 1713905K 7/31/2022 0,5 0,5 -100
RM4-1-2-4 Catheter Suction Size 3,5 100 1 2007B1001 7/31/2022 0 0 0
10-2-2 Catheter Urinary Foley Balloon 3 way 30-50ml Ch 20 28 1 6499 7/31/2022 0,48 0,48 -13,44
08-6-1 Diethylcarbamazine Citrate Scored 100mg tabs 11000 1 PI7227 7/30/2022 0,0015 0,0015 -16,17
06-6-1 Digoxin Oral Solution 50mcg/ml Bot/60ml 120 1 DP-2103 7/31/2022 2,5 2,5 -300
14-1-3 FP – I.U.D. Insertion Kits (multiload) UNFPA 1 1 SO-006887 7/31/2022 204,1 204,1 -204,1
RM4-2-2-1 Penicillin Benzyl Penicillin PFI 5 MU=3G 500 1 193011245 7/31/2022 0,48 0,4836 -240
10-3-1 Skin Stapler disposable 3M precise bote 12 110 1 EX6499 7/31/2022 3,19 3,191 -350,9
10-10-3 Suture Synth Abs Braided Violet 2/0 (M3) 75 cm P.Curved 24mm rev cut 144 1 1905080 7/31/2022 0,58 0,5786 -83,52
10-1-3 Suture Synth Abs Braided Violet 3 (M2) 75cm 1/2-cir 25mm RB 1224 1 1905080 7/31/2022 0,58 0,58 -709,92
10-11-4 Suture Synth Abs Braided Violet 3 (M2) 75cm 1/2-cir 25mm RB 600 1 1905080 7/31/2022 0,58 0,5772 -348
01-2-2 Tape Autoclave Control 18mm wide x 50m Roll 234 1 MD19532701 7/31/2022 2,05 2,05 -479,7
01-4-4 Tape Autoclave Control 18mm wide x 50m Roll 819 1 MD19532701 7/31/2022 2,05 2,05 -1678,95
RM4-2-1-5 Vecuronium Bromide Powder for Injection 10mg/mL Vial/5mL 776 1 OEB11337 7/31/2022 2,87 0 -2227,12
RM1A-2-2-1 Warfarin 2mg tabs 10400 1 MOT20423 7/31/2022 0,12 0,12 -1248
CON40 Actelic 300 CS(300g/l pirimiphos-methyl 782 1 BSN0G2980 7/31/2022 191,88 191,88 -150050,16
                Net cost: -163,308.44000
Tax %: 0.00000
Invoice Total :-163,308.44000
  Margin: -200% Inventory adjust- decrease: 11300
Received from: Confirmed Date: 7/7/2022
Inventory adjustment – Reduce stock Printed date: 7/13/2023
  Page 1 of 1
  Status: cn
Location Item Quan Pack Batch Expiry Cost Sell Exten
07-5-1 Simvastatin 20mg tabs 140800 1 21GT031 12/31/2023 0,02 0,02 -2816
                Net cost: -2,816.00000
Tax %: 0.00000
Invoice Total :-2,816.00000
  Margin: -129.27% Inventory adjust- decrease: 11299
Received from: Confirmed Date: 7/7/2022
Inventory adjustment – Reduce stock Printed date: 7/13/2023
  Page 1 of 1
  Status: cn
Location Item Quan Pack Batch Expiry Cost Sell Exten
05-2-1 Amoxicillin/Clavulanate Oral 125mg/31.25mg/5mL Bot100mL 72 1 ABV30018 6/30/2022 0,6 0,6 -43,2
07-8-1 Clopidogrel 75mg tabs 1480 1 WS7520040-A 6/30/2022 0,33 0,334 -488,4
RM1A-4-1-3 Fuji IX GC Glass Iononmer Cement 25gm Powder, 15gm Liquid 1 1 1906051 6/30/2022 0 0 0
RM1A-4-1-3 Fuji IX GC Glass Iononmer Cement 25gm Powder, 15gm Liquid 37 1 1906051 6/30/2022 32,88 32,88 -1216,56
RM1A-4-2-2 Fuji IX GC Glass Iononmer Cement 25gm Powder, 15gm Liquid 285 1 1906051 6/30/2022 32,88 0 -9370,8
01-4-2 Needle Disposable 21G x 1 1/2″ (0.8 x 38mm) 13800 1 SH17067 6/30/2022 0,01 0 -138
02-11-2 Needle Disposable 23G x 1 1/4″ (0.65 x 32mm) 43300 1 SH17067 6/30/2022 0,01 0,01 -433
10-7-3 Needle Spinal Anaesthesia 19F 96 1 617122 6/30/2022 0,27 0,27 -25,92
07-5-1 Nystatin 500,000 IU tabs 1500 1 OE02258 6/30/2022 0,05 0,0497 -75
RM1A-4-1-2 Root Canal Sealer (AH 26, Silver-Free) 8gm, Resin 10gm 9 1 1181916 6/30/2022 27,94 27,94 -251,46
RM1A-4-1-2 Root Canal Sealer (AH 26, Silver-Free) 8gm, Resin 10gm 44 1 1181916 6/30/2022 27,94 27,94 -1229,36
RM4-1-2-3 Root Canal Sealer (AH 26, Silver-Free) 8gm, Resin 10gm 4 1 1181916 6/30/2022 27,94 27,94 -111,76
04-6-1 Salbutamol Inhalation 100mcg/dose 200 dose Inhaler 39 1 0008N086 6/30/2022 1,37 1,37 -53,43
                Net cost: -13,436.89000
Tax %: 0.00000
Invoice Total :-13,436.89000
  Margin: -200% Inventory adjust- decrease: 11260
Received from: Confirmed Date: 6/7/2022
Inventory adjustment – Reduce stock Printed date: 7/13/2023
  Page 1 of 1
  Status: cn
Location Item Quan Pack Batch Expiry Cost Sell Exten
04-9-2 Acyclovir Injection 250mg 3000 1 D-20060074 5/31/2022 0,6 0,6 -1800
RM3 1-2-4 Artemether+Lumefantrine 20mg+120mg tabs 6×1 111 1 KW162 5/31/2022 8,1 8,1 -899,1
RM1A-3-1-3 Clonidine Injection 150mcg/ml Amp 250 1 925399 5/31/2022 0,92 0,92 -230
RM2B Desmopressin 4mcg/1ml Vial/1ml 180 1 P12869E 5/31/2022 4 4 -720
08-5-2 Paracetamol Suppository 120mg 3740 1 CK156 5/31/2022 0,08 0,08 -299,2
RM1A-5-1-1 Remdesivir Lyophilized Powder Injection 100 mg 50 1 HGL21030 5/31/2022 66,1 66,1 -3305
03-10-1 Tobramycin and Dexamethasone Eye Drop 0.3% + 0.1% Bot/5ml 4025 1 0-2006001A 5/31/2022 0,5 0,5 -2012,5
GRD10 Povidone-iodine Solution 10% Bot/1ltr 40 1 XO80620 5/31/2022 4,62 4,6199 -184,8
RM1B Erythropoietin Alpha Injection 4000IU Amp/1ml 46 1 AXCJQ01-1 5/30/2022 0 0 0
CON09 Water for Injection Amp 10ml 37 1 180602 5/31/2022 0,05 0,05 -1,85
09-5-3 Auramine O 15 1 1806 5/31/2022 0 0 0
12-2-1 Water for Injection Amp 10ml 600 1 2192232 5/31/2022 0 0 0
                Net cost: -9,452.45000
Tax %: 0.00000
Invoice Total :-9,452.45000
  Margin: -194.98% Inventory adjust- decrease: 11225
Received from: Confirmed Date: 5/10/2022
Inventory adjustment – Reduce stock Printed date: 7/13/2023
  Page 1 of 1
  Status: cn
Location Item Quan Pack Batch Expiry Cost Sell Exten
08-4-1 Acetylsalicylic Acid 75mg tabs 30576 1 970229 4/30/2022 0,005 0,005 -152,88
12-3-2 Chlorhexidine Gluconate solution 500ml 5% 150 1 S19050150 4/30/2022 3,19 3,19 -478,5
12-2-1 Chlorhexidine Gluconate Solution for dilution 5% Bot/1ltr 35 1 519050142 4/30/2022 0 0 0
RM1A-1-1-1 Clonidine Injection 150mcg/ml Amp 464 1 727438B 4/30/2022 0 0 0
RM1A-1-1-1 Clonidine Injection 150mcg/ml Amp 96 1 727438B 4/30/2022 0,92 0,916 -88,32
17-2-4 FP – Microgynon/COC 0.03mg/0.15mg Strip/cycle of 28 tablets 12096 3 ZF679089 4/30/2022 0,66 0,66 -7983,36
17-2-1 FP – Microgynon/COC 0.03mg/0.15mg Strip/cycle of 28 tablets 2016 3 ZF679089 4/30/2022 0,66 0,66 -1330,56
17-1-4 FP – Microgynon/COC 0.03mg/0.15mg Strip/cycle of 28 tablets 6048 3 ZF679089 4/30/2022 0,66 0,66 -3991,68
16-1-1 FP – Microgynon/COC 0.03mg/0.15mg Strip/cycle of 28 tablets 4032 3 ZF679089 4/30/2022 0,66 0,66 -2661,12
15-2-1 FP – Microgynon/COC 0.03mg/0.15mg Strip/cycle of 28 tablets 1584 3 ZF679089 4/30/2022 0,66 0,66 -1045,44
14-3-2 FP – Microgynon/COC 0.03mg/0.15mg Strip/cycle of 28 tablets 5662 3 ZF679089 4/30/2022 0,66 0,66 -3736,92
14-1-2 FP – Microgynon/COC 0.03mg/0.15mg Strip/cycle of 28 tablets 4032 3 ZF679090 4/30/2022 0,66 0,66 -2661,12
14-1-1 FP – Microgynon/COC 0.03mg/0.15mg Strip/cycle of 28 tablets 1193 3 ZF679090 4/30/2022 0 0,66 0
13-2-2 FP – Microgynon/COC 0.03mg/0.15mg Strip/cycle of 28 tablets 8582 3 ZF679089 4/30/2022 0,66 0,66 -5664,12
12-4-4 FP – Microgynon/COC 0.03mg/0.15mg Strip/cycle of 28 tablets 5330 3 ZF679089 4/30/2022 0,66 0,66 -3517,8
RM1A-4-2-3 Fuji IX GC Glass Iononmer Cement 25gm Powder, 15gm Liquid 149 1 1904031 4/30/2022 32,88 0 -4899,12
06-4-4 Halothane Bot/250ml 594 1 K27H17B 4/30/2022 26,31 26,31 -15628,14
04-6-3 Halothane Bot/250ml 48 1 K27H17B 4/30/2022 26,31 26,31 -1262,88
RM3 1-1-4 HIV Abacavir/Lamivudine 600mg/300mg tabs 92 30 ABL20065 4/30/2022 9,2 9,2 -846,4
RM3 1-3-1 HIV Nevirapine Oral Suspension 50mg/5ml Bot/100ml 59 1 PB00386 4/30/2022 1,45 1,45 -85,55
RM3 1-2-1 HIV Nevirapine Oral Suspension 50mg/5ml Bot/100ml 20 1 PB00388 4/30/2022 1,45 1,45 -29
RM3 1-3-2 HIV Nevirapine Oral Suspension 50mg/5ml Bot/240ml 176 1 PB00386 4/30/2022 1,45 1,45 -255,2
RM4-3-1-2 Methylrosanilinium Chloride (Gentian Violet) Crystals 0.5% 25gm 84 1 46949 LR 4/30/2022 1,48 1,48 -124,32
11-2-3 Morphine Sulfate Injection 10mg/1ml Amp/1ml 800 1 190135 4/30/2022 0,99 0,99 -792
RM1A-1-2-1 Root Canal Sealer (AH 26, Silver-Free) 8gm, Resin 10gm 1 1 1181911 4/30/2022 27,94 27,94 -27,94
06-11-2 Salbutamol Inhalation 100mcg/dose 200 dose Inhaler 3770 1 IA005 4/30/2022 2,1 2,1 -7917
05-9-1 Salbutamol Inhalation 100mcg/dose 200 dose Inhaler 420 1 IA005 4/30/2022 1,37 1,37 -575,4
09-10-2 Syringe filter for single use sterile 540 1 190401-421 4/30/2022 0 0 0
RM3 2-2-3 TB Ethambutol (E) 100mg tabs 39000 1 EEB2809E 4/30/2022 0,37 0,37 -14430
RM3 2-2-2 TB Ethambutol (E) 100mg tabs 392 100 EEB2809E 4/30/2022 0,37 0,37 -145,04
RM3 2-2-1 TB Ethambutol (E) 100mg tabs 558 100 EEB2809E 4/30/2022 0,37 0,37 -206,46
RM1A-4-1-2 Temporary filling Material (ORAFIL-G) 13 1 1311917 4/30/2022 5,3 0 -68,9
RM1A-2-3-3 Vancomycin HCL Injection Vial 500mg 105 1 206679 4/30/2022 3,64 3,64 -382,2
RM1A-2-3-2 Vancomycin HCL Injection Vial 500mg 310 1 206679 4/30/2022 3,64 3,64 -1128,4
RM1A-2-1-5 Vancomycin HCL Injection Vial 500mg 220 1 206679 4/30/2022 3,64 3,64 -800,8
RM1A-1-2-2 Vancomycin HCL Injection Vial 500mg 190 1 206679 4/30/2022 3,64 3,64 -691,6
08-7-2 Glibenclamide 5mg tabs 6800 1 9E42 4/30/2022 0,0028 0 -19,04
                Net cost: -83,627.21000
Tax %: 0.00000
Invoice Total :-83,627.21000
  Margin: -200% Inventory adjust- decrease: 11191
Received from: Confirmed Date: 4/5/2022
Inventory adjustment – Reduce stock Printed date: 7/13/2023
  Page 1 of 1
  Status: cn
Location Item Quan Pack Batch Expiry Cost Sell Exten
RM1A-1-1-3 Adenosine Injection 3mg/mL 2mL 6 1 190221 3/31/2022 2,16 2,16 -12,96
03-9-1 Aminophylline Injection 25mg/ml Amp/10ml 2200 1 75NC0629 3/31/2022 0,12 0,12 -264
RM1A-3-1-2 Auramine O 2 1 0000383927 3/31/2022 9,67 9,67 -19,34
RM1A-4-3-2 Benztropine Mesylate 2mg tabs 115000 1 TB-170001 3/31/2022 0,08 0,08 -9200
14-2-3 FP – Norplant Insertion and Removal Kit UNFPA 21 1 AS190282 3/31/2022 19,15 19,15 -402,15
13-2-1 High Preasure Syringe 200 1 190412A 3/31/2022 0 0 0
10-6-5 Megatron S4 HPS UNO 20G and 23G Hight speed vitrectomy cutter  22 1 CAI01 3/31/2022 230 230 -5060
04-10-1 Propofol Injection 10mg/ml Amp/20ml 11 5 20155052 3/31/2022 1,64 1,64 -18,04
RM7 – Chiller Rabies Immonoglobulin Injection 150 IU/ml 40 1 202003011R 3/31/2022 110 110 -4400
03-7-3 Salbutamol Inhalation 100mcg/dose 200 dose Inhaler 3000 1 MA001 3/31/2022 1,37 1,37 -4110
03-8-3 Salbutamol Inhalation 100mcg/dose 200 dose Inhaler 4400 1 MA001 3/31/2022 1,37 1,37 -6028
05-7-3 Salbutamol Inhalation 100mcg/dose 200 dose Inhaler 4300 1 MA001 3/31/2022 1,37 1,37 -5891
06-6-3 Salbutamol Inhalation 100mcg/dose 200 dose Inhaler 7995 1 MA001 3/31/2022 1,37 1,37 -10953,15
RM4-1-2-2 Salbutamol Inhalation 100mcg/dose 200 dose Inhaler 50 1 MA002 3/31/2022 1,37 1,37 -68,5
08-3-4 TB Rifampicin+Isoniazid (R+N) 75/50mg tabs 1150 84 NRT2021A 3/31/2022 252 252 -289800
07-9-1 Theophylline modified release 200mg tabs 86400 1 AE-19028 3/31/2022 0,02 0,02 -1728
BEB2 Therapeutic Milk F100 Sachet/114gm 506 1 600363 00/00/00 60,77 60,77 -30749,62
RI Therapeutic Milk F100 Sachet/114gm 2007 1 60036 3/31/2022 0 0 0
RI Therapeutic Milk F75 Sachet/102.5gm 71 24 60129 3/27/2022 52,13 52,13 -3701,23
BEB2 Therapeutic Milk F75 Sachet/102.5gm 3456 1 60129 3/31/2022 0 0 0
RM7 – Chiller Rabies Immonoglobulin Injection 150 IU/ml 10 1 202003011R 3/31/2023 110 110 -1100
                Net cost: -373,505.99000
Tax %: 0.00000
Invoice Total :-373,505.99000
  Margin: -117.94% Inventory adjust- decrease: 11166
Received from: Confirmed Date: 3/17/2022
Inventory adjustment – Reduce stock Printed date: 7/13/2023
  Page 1 of 1
  Status: cn
Our ref: SAMES -CD/DAD/II/2022/02 Comment: REduce item EXP fulan Febreiro
Location Item Quan Pack Batch Expiry Cost Sell Exten
11-2-1 Fentanyl Citrate Injection 50mcg/ml Amp/2ml 1487 1 905010 2/28/2022 3,56 0 -5293,72
05-3-4 Salbutamol Inhalation 100mcg/dose 200 dose Inhaler 100 1 EA005 2/28/2022 1,37 1,37 -137
06-9-2 Salbutamol Inhalation 100mcg/dose 200 dose Inhaler 635 1 EA005 2/28/2022 1,37 1,37 -869,95
RM3 1-3-5 HIV Dolutegravir 50mg 200 30 3113839 2/28/2022 0 0 0
BEB1 Mannitol Solution IV 20% Bot/500ml 70 1 19124371 2/28/2022 2,12 2,12 -148,4
10-6-1 Tube Endotracheal Plastic Oral/Nasal Plain 3.0mm 1 1 20170301 2/28/2022 1,83 1,83 -1,83
                Net cost: -6,450.90000
Tax %: 0.00000
Invoice Total :-6,450.90000
                Inventory adjust- decrease: 11126
Received from:             Confirmed Date: 1/31/2022
Inventory adjustment – Reduce stock             Printed date: 7/13/2023
                Page 1 of 1
                Status: cn
Our ref: SAMES-CD/DAD/I/2022/Jan-2022 Comment: Lista Item Expira fulan Janeiro 2022
Location Item Quan Pack Batch Expiry Cost Sell Exten
08-4-3 Amoxicillin 500mg tabs 92000 1 193131188 1/31/2022 0,02 0,02 -1840
08-2-2 Amoxicillin 500mg tabs 336000 1 193131187 1/31/2022 0,02 0,02 -6720
08-10-4 Amoxicillin 500mg tabs 352000 1 193131186 1/31/2022 0,02 0,02 -7040
08-1-2 Amoxicillin 500mg tabs 33000 1 193131187 1/31/2022 0,02 0,02 -660
07-9-4 Amoxicillin 500mg tabs 320000 1 193131188 1/31/2022 0,02 0,02 -6400
07-8-3 Amoxicillin 500mg tabs 3000 1 193131186 1/31/2022 0,02 0,02 -60
17-2-1 BD Vacutainer Eclipse Blood Collection Needle w/ Holder 21G 3120 1 G196233D 1/31/2022 0 0 0
R11G1 Diazepam Injection 10mg/ml Amp/2ml 18000 1 75NA0223 1/31/2022 0,35 0,35 -6300
11-2-2 Diazepam Injection 10mg/ml Amp/2ml 13516 1 75NA0223 1/31/2022 0,35 0,35 -4730,6
RM1A-GRD1 Oxytocin Injection 10IU/1ml Amp/1ml 25700 1 75NA0054 1/31/2022 0,3005 0 -7722,85
BEB Sodium Chloride Normal Saline Solution 0.9% Bot/1000ml 9312 1 SB379316 1/31/2022 0,57 0,57 -5307,84
BEB Sodium Chloride Normal Saline Solution 0.9% Bot/1000ml 3852 1 SB379315 1/31/2022 0,57 0,57 -2195,64
BEB Sodium Chloride Normal Saline Solution 0.9% Bot/1000ml 6960 1 SB379311 1/31/2022 0,57 0,57 -3967,2
BEB1 Sodium Chloride Normal Saline Solution 0.9% Bot/1000ml 9396 1 SBS79302 1/31/2022 0,57 0,57 -5355,72
BEB1 Sodium Chloride Normal Saline Solution 0.9% Bot/1000ml 5952 1 SB379318 1/31/2022 0,57 0,57 -3392,64
BEB1 Sodium Chloride Normal Saline Solution 0.9% Bot/1000ml 844 1 SB379313 1/31/2022 0,57 0,57 -481,08
BEB1 Sodium Chloride Normal Saline Solution 0.9% Bot/1000ml 9264 1 SB379312 1/31/2022 0,57 0,57 -5280,48
BEB1 Sodium Chloride Normal Saline Solution 0.9% Bot/1000ml 960 1 SB379310 1/31/2022 0,57 0,57 -547,2
BEB1 Sodium Chloride Normal Saline Solution 0.9% Bot/1000ml 526 1 SB379309 1/31/2022 0,57 0,57 -299,82
BEB1 Sodium Chloride Normal Saline Solution 0.9% Bot/1000ml 4018 1 SB379304 1/31/2022 0 0 0
BEB1 Sodium Chloride Normal Saline Solution 0.9% Bot/1000ml 1284 1 SB378301 1/31/2022 0,57 0,57 -731,88
09-4-4 Sodium Hydroxide Pellets 1kg  4 1 B1648098905 1/31/2022 0 0 0
07-9-1 Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine HCL) 50mg tabs 4000 1 9MF47 1/31/2022 0,01 0,005 -40
07-8-3 Amoxicillin 500mg tabs 131000 1 193131186 1/31/2022 0,02 0,024 -2620
                Net cost: -71,692.95000
Tax %: 0.00000
Invoice Total :-71,692.95000

 Estoke Ai-moruk iha INFPM 76%


Konférensia imprensa INFPM, Segunda (10/06/2024). Foto/Leopoldina de Carvalho

Diretór Ezekutivu INFPM,  Brigídio Simão de Deús, Segunda loraik (10/06/2024), liuhusi konferénsia imprensa relata katak dau-daun ne’e estoke ai-moruk iha armazén INFPM  hamutk 76% signifika estok out ka estoke menus hamutuk 24%.

Brigídio Simão de Deús  esplika,  estoke menus 24% ne’e sei kategoria normal no sidauk tama iha kategoria grave bazeia ba padraun mundiál. 

“Sei ás uitoan hela, liu padraun  ne’ebe organizasaun mundial  dehan  menus to’o 20% ne’e mak ideal, maibe ita nian 24%,” Diretór Ezekutivu INFPM, Brigidio Simão de Deús haktuir iha salaun INFPM, Díli.

Kompara ho fulan kotuk (Maiu-red) estoke ai-moruk menus as tebes to’o 31%, maibe ho esforsu tomak  INFPM bele reduz bá 24%.

“Estoke a-imoruk  iha fasilidade saúde iha teritoriu nasionál  disponivel 86,71% enkuantu  estoke out 13, 39%, ne’e hatudu katak iha hela race normal. Agora ita bele rezolve ai-moruk etapa por etapa,” Nia  hateten.

Diretór ezekutivu ne’e mós relata katak dau-daun ne’e iha estoke  ai-moruk lubuk ida iha hela prosesu deliberasaun mai INFPM, ho total item ne’ebe iha hela prosesu hamutuk item 166 tanba ne’e  ho aumenta  tan item 166 ne’e mai iha armazén INFPM bele reduz estoke out tun to’o 15% no  fasilidade saúde sira bele tun to’o 9%.


Iha biban ne’e  Diretór aprovizionamentu no kontratasaun INFPM  Mariano da Silva Marques hateten dau-daun ne’e estoke ai-moruk iha INFPM  hahú kontroladu, alende item  166 ne’ebe iha hela prosesu,  dau-daun ne’e iha item 50 mak iha hela  faze evaluasaun  iha komisaun júri.

Nia haktuir tan katak iha loron hirak liu ba, husi item 202 ne’ebe iha pipeline ka prosesu ne’e iha 33 item foin tama, no daudaun iha  item 6 mak ekipa ba halo deliberasaun iha portu.

Tuir informasaun, iha loron 23 fulan-Juñu  sei iha  produtu mediku ne’ebé sei tama tan to’o fulan-Jullu 2024.

Produtu ne’ebe mak INFPM distribui ona ba fasilidade saúde iha teritoriu nasionál hahú husi fulan-Janeiru to’o fulan-Juñu  2024 hamutuk item 863 husi kompañia fornesedór  hamutuk 17 mak hanesan;

  1. Adacare Farma unipessoal Lda
  2. Ausdiagnostics pty ltd
  3. Belsatos farmasia unipessoal lda
  4. Bethseda husada farmacia
  5. Boucher and muir
  6. Daikyio industrial and Gas
  7. Fastep Lda
  8. Foho osan mean Farmacia
  9. Fujifilm health care
  10. Inti sumber Ricna lda
  11. Istana Farmacia
  12. Kimia farma
  13. Oceano LDa
  14. Ortho clinical Diagnostic
  16. Sali-Magu unipessoal lda
  17. Salme Tiles unipesoal Lda

INFPM Sei Halo Pagamentu bá Sali-Magu

Armazenamentu Medikamentu kompañia Sali-Magu, Unipesoal, Lda. Foto/

Diretór Ezekutivu INFPM,  Brigídio Simão de Deús  hateten razaun utiliza fali osan millaun  $8 ne’ebé Governu  foin aloka iha fulan-Maiu 2024 e tanba orsamentu antes ne’ebe Governu aprova kompañia Sali-magu la konsege ezekuta.

Brigídio Simão de Deús  esplika hanesan servisu tékniku hatene katak iha tinan 2023 fulan-Dezembru, lakonsege kesi-metin orsamentu ne’ebé mak orsamentu adisional ba kompañia Sali-Magu nune’e osan ne’e fila fali kofre Estadu, maske nune’e  iha kontratu kontinua la’o  no sasan kompañia hatama nafatin mai, konsidera  ne’e hanesa dívida ba nasaun, nune’e razaun saida deit Governu tenke selu tanba ne’e dividas.


Brigídio Simão de Deús  esplika hanesan ema ne’ebe akompaña  prosesu ne’e durante ne’e to’o osan fila ba kofre Estadu  ho razaun oin-oin, maibe mós haree ba produtu ne’ebé tanba tama mai no distribui ona hodi  uja, nune’e INFPM mós konsege halo konsultasaun ho superior sira nune’e iha tinan  2024 ho orsamentu ne’ebe aprovadu millaun 4.3 uza to’o fulan-Juñu no  Governu  foti desijaun aumenta orsamentu mai, tanba ne’e situasaun komesa diak tanba iha orsamentu.

Tuir kontratu entre governu ho kompañia Sali-Magu sei selu  millaun 5.9 s, maibé hafoin orsamentu fila ba kofre estadu, maibe fornesementu produtu kontinua nafatin, INFPM simu nafatin tanba  nesesidades , nune’e  Governu liu husi Ministériu Saúde  halo esforsu, halo revizaun ba kontratu, no sei  halo pagamentu ho naran  pagamentu parsial, katak kompania hatama saida mak mai ho osan hira  selu bazeia ba ida-ne’e, karik kompania labele hatama to’o millaun $5.9 tenke selu tuir hira ne’ebé mak nia bele hatama mai.

Iha fulan-Marsu 2024 kompañia  Sali-Magu informa katak nia prontu ho item 531 husi total kontratu, nune’e iha momentu iha loron 27 fulan-Marsu kompañia nia  kontratu sei termina, Maske nia fornese ptodutu to’o  agora sidauk kompleta item 531, maibe ne’e tenke selu.

Jornalista : Leopoldina de Carvalho





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R&I-MS Sei Verifika Ai-Moruk Item 40 iha Kontentór Rua husi Sali-Magu


on, ( 22 Jullu 2024), Díli—Ekipa Resepsaun no Inspesaun Ministériu Saúde (MS) halo hela verifikasaun bá ai-moruk item 40 iha kontentór rua ho medida 40 feed ne’ebé fornese husi Sali-Magu Unipessoal, Lda.


Kontinua Le'e


Pesoál Saúde Balu La Onestu hodi Politiza Situasaun Estoke Ai-Moruk iha Timor-Leste


on, (18 Jullu 2024), DíliDepartamentu Distribuisaun iha Institutu Nasionál Farmásia no Produtu Médiku (INFPM) deskonfia pesoál saúde balun ne’ebé hala’o knar iha fasilidade saúde sira iha territóriu nasionál la onestu no buka politiza situasaun stoke ai-moruk.


Kontinua Le'e


MS Investiga Pesoál Saúde Ne’ebé Espalla Segredu Instituisaun iha Média Sosiál


on, (17 Jullu 2024), Díli—Ministériu Saúde (MS) sei halo hela investigasaun bá pesoál saúde ne’ebé mak publika  ka espalla segredu instituisaun saúde nian iha públiku, liu-liu iha média sosiál Facebook.


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